Monday, 1 August 2016

Adventure 2 – The one where we bounced for a bit and then had Korean

Where: Just Jump, Wanneroo, WA

When: July 2016

My Adventure Companion: Mr MAP

“Really? I didn’t know you did that!”

Mr MAP and I had done a lot of adventuring before we met, which means that every so often something crops up in conversation that we never knew about each other. In this instance it was that Mr MAP was reasonably proficient at gymnastics during his school years. Having never done anything other than bounce up and down a couple of times on a backyard trampoline, I decided that I’d like to have a go on a proper one so off we went on a ‘date’ (i.e. without the mini people) to a trampolining center. We enjoyed ourselves immensely, mostly just bouncing up and down like pogo-sticks and giggling, sometimes lobbing a ball at the basketball hoops and pretending we were Slam Ball aficionados. Mr MAP even demonstrated some flips into the foam pit (but forbade me from putting the video on the internet). Bouncing around is surprisingly hard work so we decided to call it a day after about 20 minutes and headed out to a nice Korean restaurant for some bibimbap and a beer.

As a quick aside, if you are looking for something to do with older kids, there was a tween/teen parkour course going on whilst we were there. They all looked like they were enjoying the facilities and the instructor. 

More details:
Address: 1/637 Wanneroo Rd, Wanneroo, 6065, Western Australia, Australia
Opening hours: hours vary between term time/holidays but they are open weeknights until 7 or 8pm. 
Cost: $15 for an hour

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