Thursday, 13 April 2017

Adventure 34 - The one with the Lighthorse Trail

Where: Yaberoo Heritage Trail (sort of)
When: April 2017
Adventure Companions: None

Where am I?

Fortunately, this is not something I have to say often these days. Today, I was out on my own, trying to run from Burns Beach Road to Hester Avenue on the Yaberoo Heritage Trail. I have walked the first couple of kilometers a few times so thought it would be a nice easy run for me to try further on. However, the roadworks intersecting the trail threw me off a little and I ended up following the 10th Light horse Trail. When I opened up my track-plot on the phone, I saw a perfect dog leg. Thankfully it wasn't a complicated procedure to retrace my steps and return to the Yaberoo Trail. I never made it to Hester Avenue but it was a lovely morning to be out, running on my own either way. 

Opening hours: Never Closed
Cost: Free

Adventure 33 - The one with no clothes

Where: Bells Rapids
When: April 2017Adventure Companions: Mr MAP, Mini Monkey, The Giant Baby, Velcro Dog and another Hike it Baby Family
Cost: Free

What happened to his clothes?

I was showing a family member the pictures from our hike out at bells rapids this weekend. We always finish with a little paddle in the Ford under the bridge before making our way back up to the cars. Unfortunately, The Giant Baby is one of these children who just can't go near water without getting totally soaked. On this occasion, we took his clothes off before he went in the water so he would have something to wear later. Mini Monkey loves throwing rocks into the water and Velcro Dog adores paddling around in the shallows and swimming after sticks thrown by Mr MAP. Such a lovely way to finish a walk. 

Opening Hours: Never Closed

Adventure 32 - The one with the running Monkey

Where: The Spectacles
When: April 2017
Adventure Companions: Mini Monkey, The Giant Baby and Velcro Dog

Can you go faster, Mummy?

I had decided that we needed to get out of the house and preferably for the whole morning. The Spectacles won the location lottery by fulfilling the multiple criteria I needed:
- far enough a car ride to waste time, but not so far the boys would start getting cranky
- allows dogs
- trail based to keep both me and the boys happy
- firm enough ground and flat enough that I could push the Croozer (double stroller)

The 6.5km circuit around the Spectacles wetlands is packed limestone and relatively flat. We jogged much of the way, stopping on request to let Mini Monkey out of the stroller to have a run with us and then back in again when he was winded. Every time he hopped back in there was a demand for me to run faster. I enjoyed the resulting giggles so happily obliged. 

The boys enjoyed themselves and were much less antagonistic than that time at the Parkrun, even thought it was a little rougher and much longer. Velcro Dog always enjoys the Spectacles because there is so much yumminess for her to smell.

Opening Hours: Never Closed
Cost: Free

Adventure 31 - The one with lots of birds

Where: Herdsman Lakes
When: March 2017Adventure Companions: Mr MAP, Mini Monkey, The Giant Baby, Velcro Dog and the Hike it Baby Tribe
Cost: Free

Did you know there’s a bird hide there?
Sometimes adventures come in unexpected places. Herdsman Lakes is so central that we often overlook its potential. However, the paperbark swamp creates a lovely, shady tunnel, perfect for hot summer days, or any day really, and there are lots of points where you can view the lakes and water birds.
We had a bumper turn out this weekend with six kiddos, four mums (one of whom was busting-at-the-seams pregnant), three dads, two dogs and a granny. The pace was dictated by The Two –Year Olds; slower than the big kids but not willing to be carried or prammed as much the younger ones. The pace is certainly quicker than it was a year ago and not every stick, stone a gum nut has to be turned over or collected. They are onto bigger and better things, like logs and running fast and knowing the names of plants and animals. It’s amazing
Even though the pace was faster and conversation sparkier than last year, one by one, the two-year olds reached the point at which they’d had enough and so into parents arms, strollers and carriers they clambered for rests and snacks….. just in time to recharge for the playground at the end. There are pros and cons to starting/ending a hike at a play ground. They are generally easy to find, they provide entertainment whilst you wait for others and an incentive to keep going a little bit further towards the end of a hike. However, they are hellish to get the kids away from. With tears and tantrums abounding, we all decided to call it a day and head home for that magical part of the day – nap time.
Opening Hours: Never Closed
Cost: Free

Adventure 30 - The one where I won an award

When: March 2017

Adventure Companions: None
Opening Hours: Never Closed
Cost: Free

Where: Wungong Regional Park
Can I stop you right there to take a photo?
Melina, the amazing race director of the Perth Trail Series, lay on the ground at the finish line as she assured me that it was the best angle for capturing my injuries in their full glory*.
The Perth Trail Series like to honour those who have spilled their blood in pursuit of the trail. Each recipient of ‘The Blood Award’ gets a nice, clean T-shirt. I’ve never won an award before at a (post school) race and I certainly never expected to win one by doing something so simple as falling over! Thankfully my injuries were only superficial with a bloody knee and a couple of other minor scrapes and bruises. Two year previously I had had to help my friend walk the last 3km of that same race after she badly twisted her ankle (ironically on a ‘flat’ section of trail).  
This race was never meant to be the last in the summer series; however a large bushfire a couple of weeks before its scheduled date forced the race directors to swap it was the Lesmurdie race. I was fine with that. I love this race and for me, it was fitting to have it last in the series. There is a beautiful flat (for trail running) section towards the end. It’s the kind of section where you can really look around you and appreciate your surroundings without having to ‘dig in’ (or question your sanity) on the way up a hill or having to worry about falling down a hill (wait, I already did that). I was gifted with an amazing view part way through of a black, charred forest, peppered with the bright colours of the runners tshirts.  
*I just want to add that the spirit of the award by no means diminished the professionalism  and speed with which the staff and volunteers assessed and helped treat my injuries.
Opening Hours: Never Closed
Cost: Free

Adventure 29 - The one with the tunnel

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Where: John Forrest National Park
When: March 2017
Adventure Companions: Mr Map, Mini Monkey, The Giant Baby and the Hike it Baby Tribe
Do you have a torch with you?
On an unusually cold and blustery February morning we set off from the Peachy Road car park for the Swan View Tunnel. The Tunnel used to be part of the old railway line which goes through John Forest National Park. Fun factoid: until 1999, the Swan View Tunnel was the only tunnel in the whole WA Rail network. The powers that be decided that when they made the old railway line into a walking and cycling track, to include the tunnel. It’s a great little hike, especially on a hot day (which today wasn’t) as you can do the return part of the loop in the shade of the tunnel.
The littles loved the tunnel. With the dim light at the end always in sight and the seemingly ever present puddle to finish, what was there not to love? One of the big kids had a pair of light-up shoes and took great delight in gallivanting around like a (albeit loud and giggling) ghostly apparition.
 We shared strollers and snacks, carriers and tantrums. This was a quintessential Hike it Baby experience.   
106560: Swan View Tunnel up portal Up Passenger from Chidlow Wildflower Railcar ADF 493 leading
The old railway tunnel when it was in use (Source: Weston Langford)